FAQ - Frequently asked questions

  • Do you need an appointment?

    All appointments require a booking prior. We have on-the-day bookings and emergency slots for minor injuries. Telehealth is available for covid or flu-related symptoms.

  • Do you Bulk-bill?

    No. We are a rural private billing clinic and charge for our services in line with QLD WorkCover rates. To ensure that we have a stable clinical workforce Bulk-billing is not a viable option for rural QLD at the current medicare rates.

  • What do I need to do a CoalBoard Medical?

    1. An employer

    2. A Section 1 from your employer

    3. Ability to blow through a tube :P

  • Do I still have to wear a Mask?

    This is only required with QLD health rating system. Currently a mask is not required however with any flu like or respiratory symtopns please wear a mask when attending!. This protects the most vulnerable in the community from the accidental spread of COVID-19/Influenza etc - Do your part!

  • What is Telehealth?

    It is the same consultation with your GP but on the phone/video link (like skype/zoom/video chat) from the comfort of your home. This helps to limit the spread of illnesses, and provides you access to your GP even when traveling or away. (To be eligible for a medicare rebate you have to have attended physically within the past 12 months.)

  • What if I want to give feedback?

    Feedback good or bad we would love for you to let us know. Please email Manager@oaktreemedical.com.au - We take all feedback seriously and as a learning experience, we are all human and need to be rewarded for the good work we do and reminded that there is always room for improvement when we don’t meet reasonable expectations.